hab ich, geht immer noch net. ich spiele mit nen kumpel 1on1 nen match, ändere dannach sogar die map!
psychostats@p15180852:~> ./stats.pl
Loading referee ... done
Loading "halflife" scanner ...
Loading "halflife" definitions ... done
Loading "cstrike" definitions ... done
Loading "halflife" weapons ... done
Loading "cstrike" weapons ... done
Loading "halflife" bonuses ... done
Loading "cstrike" bonuses ... done
Processing all definitions ... done
Done loading scanner.
Loading "mysql" saver ... done
PsychoStats v2.3.2 has been initializied.
Main config source: stats.cfg
Gathering "halflife:cstrike" Logs (player tracking by "worldid") ...
Source: log
0 logs found (0 B) (Last updated: never)
Saver is cleaning up ... done
Done gathering logs
Compiling players based on your rules (0 total) ...
0 of 0 players (0.00%) meet the minimum criteria to rank.
Compiling player ranks ...
Compiling player names for 'most used' (0 total) ...
Compiling clans (0 players to scan) ...
0 players have new clantags.
Verifying clans (0 clans to scan) ...
0 possible clans found, 0 (0.00%) are valid with 0 members
Checking for new awards ...
Note: Calculating awards is very intensive on the mysql server.
Calculations are only performed once per award (for each week/month).
* No data available to calculate awards *
PsychoStats update completed! Time taken: 00:00:00
// Use this file to configure your DEDICATED server.
// This config file is executed on server start.
log on
logaddress_add 27500
logaddress_add 27015
sv_downloadurl "
// disable autoaim
sv_aim 0
hostname "[CS 1.6] -Schlachthof- [C-D Required] |
rcon_password "****geheim*****"
// disable clients' ability to pause the server
pausable 0
// maximum client movement speed
sv_maxspeed 320
// 20 minute timelimit
mp_timelimit 20
// load ban files
exec listip.cfg
exec banned.cfg
mp_logdetail "3"
mp_tkpunish 0
mp_autokick "1"
mp_friendlyfire "1"
mp_autoteambalance "1"
mp_buytime "15"
mp_c4timer "35"
mp_fadetoblack "0"
mp_flashlight "1"
mp_footsteps "1"
mp_forcecamera "0"
mp_forcechasecam "0"
mp_freezetime "3"
mp_limitteams "1"
mp_maxrounds "0"
mp_roundtime "2.5"
mp_startmoney "800"
mp_timelimit "30"
allow_spectators "0"
sv_aim "0"
sv_alltalk "1"
sv_cheats "0"
sv_password ""
cdrequired 1
mp_afktime 90
mp_afkminplayers 2
cdrequiredmsg "Du braucht Cheating-Death um hier zu spielen (
cdoptionalmsg "Auf diesen Server ist Cheating-Death im optionalen Modus."
cdupdatemsg "Deine Cheating-Death Version ist zu alt. Du musst es aktualisieren."
cdnamechangedmsg "Dein Name wurde gechanged, weil du kein Cheating-Death hast."
cdrequiredmsg "***** WARNUNG *****\nC-D wird erfordert!!!"
amx_awp2scout 1
URL zu PS:
baseskill = 1000
bufferedoutput = 0
defaultmap = de_dust
eventmaxdays = 0
gametype = halflife
historymaxdays = 180
ignorebots = 0
ignorechat = 1
ignoremaps =
ignorercon = 0
ignorestatsme = 0
language = english
logerrors = 1
logsource = log
minconnected = 0
modtype = cstrike
oldlogspath =
removeoldlogs = 0
reportunknown = 0
saverconpassword = 0
savetype = mysql
serverip =
servername = [CS 1.6] -=Schlachthof=- [C-D Required] | by Riddlers-Dungeon.de
skillfunc = default
uniqueid = steamid
verbose = 1
monthly = 1
startofweek = monday
weekly = 1
binary = 0
delete = 0
download = 0
host = myhost.domain.com
localpath = /home/lifo/logs/downloaded1
pass = password
pasv = 0
port = 21
remotepath = logs/test1/
skiplast = 1
user = username
playerrankfield = skill
playerrankorder = DESC
playerranks = 1
playerrules = 1
primaryplrname = most
weaponweights = 1
kills = > 0
onlinetime = >= (10 * 60)
compile = 1
debug = 0
minkills = 1
minmembers = 2
minskill = 100
minskill = 1000
skill = 2%
imagesroot = /home/www/web1/html/serverstats/images/
imagesurl = /serverstats/images/
mapsroot = /home/www/web1/html/serverstats/images/maps/
mapsurl = /serverstats/images/maps/
source = psweb
statsroot = /home/www/web1/html/serverstats/
statsurl = /serverstats/
weaponsroot = /home/www/web1/html/serverstats/images/weapons/
weaponsurl = /serverstats/images/weapons/
awards = awards.cfg
clantags = clantags.cfg
langmain = lang_main.cfg
logdata = logdata.cfg
theme = theme.cfg
weapons = weapons.cfg
stripcd = 0
compression = 0
dbname = usr_web1_1
host = localhost
password = *********
tableprefix = pstats_
username = *******
compiledir = /home/psychostats/themes_compiled/
ftppass = ********
ftppasv = 0
ftpport = 21
ftpuser = ********
initialized = 1
skipinit = 0
themedir = /home/psychostats/themes/
webhost =
achso, sv_downloadurl ist eingestellt. hat das was damit zu tuen?