also als newbie kuckt man am besten ersma auf wegen dem map voten das müsste eigentlich ohne plugin gehen bin ich der meinung, ansonsten das plugin hldsld_mapvote. ich hab zur zeit diese plugins:
Statsme hab ich übrigens auch (muss man vielleicht zu den Plugins sagen)
meine statsme.cfg
// StatsMe 2.5.6 Configuration File
// StatsMe Forums:
// Latest StatsMe: (check Files section)
// Put "exec statsme.cfg" to your "server.cfg" and "listenserver.cfg"
// Enable/disable statsme plugin (useful for league clan matches)
alias statsme_on "meta unpause statsme"
alias statsme_off "meta pause statsme"
// Make sure that logging is enabled (check for it also in "server.cfg" and "listenserver.cfg")
log on
// Motd which allows you to display contents depending on cvars settings
// NOTE: Disable this motd (comment these lines) if you already running one from CM or AM
sm_motd " >> {#.hostname} <<"
sm_motd " "
sm_motd " Moin {},"
sm_motd " Zeit: {thetime}"
sm_motd " Deine IP: {p.ip}"
sm_motd " Deine WonID: {p.wonid}"
sm_motd " "
sm_motd " Spieler aufm Server: {playersnum}/{maxplayers}"
sm_motd " Jetzige Map: {currentmap}"
sm_motd " {#.clanmod_version?:#skip!}Naechste Map: {#.cm_nextmap}"
sm_motd " {timeleft?Verbleibende Zeit\: $:* Kein Zeitlimit *}"
sm_motd " {#.mp_timelimit?Zeitlimit ist auf $ min. gestellt:Kein Zeitlimit eingestellt}"
sm_motd " Friendly fire is {#.mp_friendlyfire?AN:AUS}"
sm_motd " C4 timer is: {#.mp_c4timer} sec."
sm_motd " Team kills {sm_mode&16384?werden:werden nicht} bestraft"
sm_motd " "
sm_motd " {sm_mode&16384?:#skip!}Say /forgivetk um den Teamkiller zu vergeben"
sm_motd " {sm_mode&1?:#skip!}Say {#.sm_statsmecmd} um deine stats zu sehen"
sm_motd " {sm_mode&1?:#skip!}Say {#.sm_statscmd} um die stats der anderern Spieler zu sehen"
sm_motd " {sm_mode&256?:#skip!}Say {#.sm_rankcmd} um die Rangliste der besten Spieler zu sehen"
sm_motd " {sm_mode&256?:#skip!}Die Rangliste wird nach jedem Mapchange erneuert"
sm_motd " {#.sm_switchcmd?:#skip!}Say {#.sm_switchcmd} um die Statsme Anzeige AN/AUS zu stellen"
sm_motd " Weitere Commands: /ff, /me, /score, /timeleft, /report"
sm_motd " "
sm_motd " Server mods:"
sm_motd " * {#.statsme_version?StatsMe $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {#.clanmod_version?ClanMod $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {#.admin_mod_version?AdminMod $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {#.plbot_version?PLBot $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {#.csguard_version?CSGuard $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {#.hlguard_version?HLGuard $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {#.cdversion?Cheating-Death $:#skip!} {#.cdrequired?is REQUIRED!:set in OPTIONAL mode}"
sm_motd "============================================================================="
// StatsMe options - ** Add up the values to get desired setting.
// sm_mode < set | remove > < bits >
// 1 (a) - allow for displaying stats during the game (say /statsme and /stats)
// 2 (b) - show stats to all players at the end of map
// 4 (c) - announce normal kill (with health and armor left on enemy)
// 8 (d) - announce headshot
// 16 (e) - announce monsterkill
// 32 (f) - announce bomb set (only CS)
// 64 (g) - counting to explosion (only CS)
// 128 (h) - round end score (only CS)
// 256 (i) - allow to display top15 list (say /top15)
// 512 (j) - bomb defusing success
// 1024 (k) - bomb defusing failure
// 2048 (l) - announce knife kill
// 4096 (m) - announce attackers on death
// 8192 (n) - announce victims on death
sm_mode set abdfghijkl
// NOTE: If you set it now then on every mapchange sm_mode will be set to this value,
// It will be better if you set it by statsme_menu in game.
// Some stats values
// GAME:
// p. <- ask for player stats
// pX. <- X is an index of player, ask for player stats
// v. <- ask for victim values
// k. <- ask for killer values
// b. <- ask for bomb planter values
// d. <- ask for bomb defuser values
// tX. <- X is 1 or 2, ask for team values
// c4num <- digital representation of time remaining to the explosion
// c4str <- time remaining in word
// timeleft <- time remaining
// currentmap
// @. <- ask for localinfo value
// #. <- ask for cvar value
// id <- index of player
// name <- name of player
// wonid
// time <- playing time
// userid
// ping <- averange ping
// v. <- his last victim
// k. <- his last killer
// st. <- ask for stats from last action or event
// w. <- stats from currently used weapon
// wX. <- X is an index of weapon, ask for stats from pointed weapon
// gm. <- game stats
// rd. <- round stats
// tm. <- player's team
// @. <- ask for player's setinfo
// gm. <- game stats
// rd. <- round stats
// name <- name of team, weapon or weapon from which player was killed
// head <- number of aiming on head
// stomach
// leftarm
// rightarm
// chest
// leftleg
// rightleg
// shots <- number of shots
// hits
// hs <- headshots (kills)
// kills
// tks <- teamkilling
// deaths
// damage
// acc <- accuracy
// eff <- efficiency
// mkill <- player with most kills
// mdisr <- most disruptive player
// macc <- most accurate player
// Log format for end map weapon stats (make sure you have "log on" in your server.cfg)
sm_logformat "(weapon \'{}\') (shots \'{}\') (hits \'{}\') (kills \'{}\') (headshots \'{}\') (tks \'{}\') (damage \'{}\') (deaths \'{}\')"
// Detailed log format for weapon stats
sm_logformat2 "(weapon \'{}\') (head \'{}\') (chest \'{}\') (stomach \'{}\') (leftarm \'{}\') (rightarm \'{}\') (leftleg \'{}\') (rightleg \'{}\')"
sm_latlogformat "(ping \'{}\')" // Latency log
sm_latlogfreq 20 // Latency measure rate
sm_timelogformat "(time \'{p.time}\')" // Playing time log
// Player stats format (when called by /statsme)
sm_playerstats "Killed enemies: {}\nDeaths: {}\nEfficiency: {}%%\nAccuracy: {}%%\n"
// Weapon stats format (when called by /statsme)
sm_weaponstats "{} shots: {} hits: {} kills: {} hs: {} damage: {} eff.: {}%% acc.: {}%%"
// Format for messages from csg_say command
// Colour red (0-255)
// Green (0-255)
// Blue (0-255)
// Position x (0.00 - 1.00, -1 is center)
// Position y (0.00 - 1.00, 1.00 is down)
// Effects (0-2)
// Fx time (float)
// Hold time (float)
// Fade in time (float)
// Fade out time (float)
// Channel (diff. channels won't overflow incoming msg.)
// (i.e. sm_sayformat "0=100=200=-1=0.25=0=6=6=1=1=1")
// Same aliases which help to format messages
alias set_hs "sm_sayformat 220=0=0=-1=0.10=2=0.02=6=0.01=0.1=3"
alias set_kk "sm_sayformat 200=100=0=-1=0.20=0=6=6=0.5=0.5=2"
alias set_bm "sm_sayformat 200=100=0=-1=0.30=0=5=6=0.5=1.5=4"
alias set_hl "sm_sayformat 100=200=0=0.05=0.47=2=0.02=6=0.01=0.1=1"
alias set_rd "sm_sayformat 100=200=0=0.05=0.55=2=0.02=6=0.01=0.1=2"
alias set_sr "sm_sayformat 100=200=0=0.05=0.68=2=0.02=12=0.01=0.1=1"
alias set_mk "sm_sayformat 0=100=200=0.05=0.65=2=0.02=6=0.01=0.1=2"
alias set_al "sm_sayformat 220=80=0=0.55=0.35=0=6=20=1=2=3"
alias set_vl "sm_sayformat 0=80=220=0.55=0.60=0=6=20=1=2=4"
alias set_ttk "sm_sayformat 140=0=0=0.05=0.50=2=0.02=5=0.01=0.1=4"
alias set_cttk "sm_sayformat 0=100=200=0.05=0.50=2=0.02=5=0.01=0.1=4"
alias set_ttd "sm_sayformat 140=0=0=0.75=0.50=2=0.02=5=0.01=0.1=3"
alias set_cttd "sm_sayformat 0=100=200=0.75=0.50=2=0.02=5=0.01=0.1=3"
alias set_ecct "sm_sayformat 0=40=220=0.85=0.65=0=2=2=0.01=0.1=1"
alias set_ect "sm_sayformat 220=40=0=0.85=0.68=0=2=2=0.01=0.1=2"
alias set_hp "sm_sayformat 100=200=0=0.05=0.47=2=0.02=6=0.01=0.1=1"
// Set time in hours after which top15 will be reset
sm_resetrank 144
// Name of some commands called by say
sm_rankcmd "/top15"
sm_statsmecmd "/statsme"
sm_statscmd "/stats"
sm_switchcmd "/switch"
// Announce headshot
//sm_register "DeathMsg" "{sm_mode&8?:#skip!}set_hs;sm_say \'{} made headshot\\non {} with {}!\'" "ade" "3=1"
sm_headshot "set_hs;sm_say \'{} machte einen Headshot !!!\\nEr traf {} mit der {} !\';sm_clexec * \'spk \\'misc/headshot\\'\'" "ade" "3=1"
// Announce knife kill
//sm_register "DeathMsg" "{sm_mode&2048?:#skip!}set_kk;sm_say \'{} knifed {}!!!\'"
sm_knifekill "set_kk;sm_say \'{} wurde von {} gemessert !!!\'"
// Announce normal kill
//sm_register "DeathMsg" "{sm_mode&4?:#skip!}sm_tell #{v.userid} \'* {} with {} still has {}hp and {k.armor}ap >>{ head\: $}{ chest\: $}{ stomach\: $}{ leftleg\: $}{ rightleg\: $}{ leftarm\: $}{ rightarm\: $}\' 3" "ade"
sm_kill "set_hl;sm_tell \'{}\' \'{} traf dich mit der {}\\nEr hatte noch {} HP und {k.armor} Armor\'" "ade" "3=1"
// Greande suicide
//sm_register "DeathMsg" "{!!}set_kk;sm_say \'{} lern ersma wie man mit Granaten umgeht!\'" "ade" "4=gren"
sm_register "DeathMsg" "{!!}set_kk;sm_say \'{} lern ersma wie man mit Granaten umgeht!\'" "ade" "4=gren"
// Announce monster kill
sm_monsterkill "set_mk;sm_say \'{}Kill: {}\\nwith {} kill(s) / {} head(s) -- {} dmg / {} acc.\';sm_clexec * \'spk \\'misc/{}kill\\'\'"
sm_monsterkillnum 3 // Set the number of quick kills which will be treated as a monster kill
sm_monsterfreq 4 // Max. delay in seconds between every kill for monster kill
// Announce bomb set
sm_bombset "set_bm;sm_say \'{} hat die Bombe gelegt!!\'"
// Announce bomb defuse success
sm_bombdefused "set_bm;sm_say \'{} hat die Bombe entschaerft!\'"
// Announce bomb defuse failure
sm_bombfailure "set_bm;sm_say \'B - O - O - O - M\'"
// Announce count down till bomb explosion (freq.) - See next option
sm_bombtimefreq "sm_clexec * \'spk \\'vox/{c4str} seconds\\'\';sm_tell * \'{c4num} Sekunden bis zur Explosion !\' 4"
sm_bombfreq 10 // Do action above every x sec.
// Announce count down till bomb explosion (cont.) - See next option
sm_bombtimecont "sm_clexec * \'spk \\'vox/{c4str}\\'\';sm_tell * \'{c4num}\' 4"
sm_bombcont 10 // Do action above at last x sec. before explosion
// Announce victims
sm_victims "set_vl;sm_tell \'#{p.userid}\' \'Victims -- acc.: {p.rd.acc}%:\\n{p.victims?$:#skip!}\'"
sm_victimsbody "{} -- {} hits(s) / {} dmg{ / $}"
// Announce attackers
sm_attackers "set_al;sm_tell \'#{p.userid}\' \'Attackers{ -- $:}{p.k.rd.acc? -- acc.\: $%:}:\\n{p.attackers?$:#skip!}\'"
sm_attackersbody "{} -- {} hits(s) / {} dmg{ / $}"
// Announce score and best player at the end of round
sm_roundend "set_rd;sm_say \'Am effektivsten: {}\\nmit {rd.mdisr.rd.hits} Treffern / {rd.mdisr.rd.damage} Schaden\\nDie meisten Frags: {}\\nmit {rd.mkill.rd.kills} Kills / {rd.mkill.rd.hs} Headshots\'"
sm_roundenddelay 0 // Delay for roundend stats and victims/attackers list for survived players
// sm_alias < command > < server command > < flags >
// flags: a - console command, b - say command, c - don't show said alias
sm_alias "/score" "sm_tell #{p.userid} \'Game score: {} {} / {} / {} -- {} {} / {} / {}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/report" "sm_clexec #{p.userid} \'say_team weapon: {$:#skip!} ammo: {p.w.clip}/{p.w.ammo} health: {} armor: {p.armor} money: {}\' 3" "bc"
sm_alias "/timeleft" "sm_tell * \'{timeleft?Time Remaining\: $:* No Time Limit *}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/currentmap" "sm_tell * \'Played map: {currentmap}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/me" "sm_tell #{p.userid} \'* Last result: {} hit(s) -- { head\: $}{ chest\: $}{ stomach\: $}{ leftleg\: $}{ rightleg\: $}{ leftarm\: $}{ rightarm\: $}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/ff" "sm_tell * \'Firendly fire: {#.mp_friendlyfire?ON:OFF}\' 3" "b"
// Set password for StatsMe Menu (no password disables menu)
sm_menupassword "coke" // To display menu type as player in the console: statsme_menu root
// Positions for StatsMe Menu (here can be also server commands)
// sm_menu < description > < server command >
sm_menu "/statsme and /stats\\y\\R{sm_mode&1?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&1?remove:set} 1"
sm_menu "EndMap Stats\\y\\R{sm_mode&2?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&2?remove:set} 2"
sm_menu "Normalkill announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&4?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&4?remove:set} 4"
sm_menu "Headshot announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&8?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&8?remove:set} 8"
sm_menu "Monsterkill announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&16?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&16?remove:set} 16"
sm_menu "BombSet announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&32?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&32?remove:set} 32"
sm_menu "Count. to explosion\\y\\R{sm_mode&64?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&64?remove:set} 64"
sm_menu "EndRound Stats\\y\\R{sm_mode&128?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&128?remove:set} 128"
sm_menu "Top15 Rank\\y\\R{sm_mode&256?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&256?remove:set} 256"
sm_menu "Bomb Def. Success\\y\\R{sm_mode&512?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&512?remove:set} 512"
sm_menu "Bomb Def. Failure\\y\\R{sm_mode&1024?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&1024?remove:set} 1024"
sm_menu "Knifekill announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&2048?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&2048?remove:set} 2048"
sm_menu "Attackers List\\y\\R{sm_mode&4096?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&4096?remove:set} 4096"
sm_menu "Victims List\\y\\R{sm_mode&8192?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&8192?remove:set} 8192"
sm_menu "ForgiveTK\\y\\R{sm_mode&16384?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&16384?remove:set} 16384"
//sm_menu "-----" " "
//sm_menu "mp_tkpunish\\y\\R{mp_tkpunish}" "mp_tkpunish {mp_tkpunish?0:1}"
//sm_menu "mp_friendlyfire\\y\\R{mp_friendlyfire}" "mp_friendlyfire {mp_friendlyfire?0:1}"
//sm_menu "mp_autoteambalance\\y\\R{mp_autoteambalance}" "mp_autoteambalance {mp_autoteambalance?0:1}"
// NOTE: This menu is prepared for Counter-Strike
// i.e. \\y means in CS that this is a yellow position and \\R that it has to be aligned to the right
sm_log Configuration for StatsMe 2.5.6 loaded