Du musst Dir dafür das HLDSUpdateTool besorgen.
Das auf den Linuxserver. Am besten "chmod 744 hldsupdatetool.bin" machen. Anschließend "./hldsupdatetool.bin" eingeben und die Eula bestätigen.
Use: steam -command <command> [parameters] [flags]
create: Create a Steam Account
-username <username> - Username of Steam account (case-insensitive)
-email <email> - Email address
-password <password> - Password for the account (case-sensitive)
-question <question> - Password reminder question
-answer <answer> - Password reminder secret answer (case-sensitive)
For example: steam -command create -username foobar -email
foo@bar.com -password pasSwoRd -question "cat's name?" -answer Gordo
update: Install or update HLDS
-game <game> - Mod name: cstrike, tfc, dod, dmc, valve, czero, or ricochet
-dir <installdir> - HLDS Install dir
-username <username> - Steam username
-password <password> - Password
(if username, password, or dir not specified, will use value from last run of tool)
-remember_password - Remember Steam password so is not needed next time
-verify_all - Verify all HLDS files are up to date
-retry - Automatically retry every 30 seconds if the Steam Network is busy
For example: steam -command update -game cstrike -dir /hlds -username
foo@bar.com -password pasSwoRd -remember_password
version: View installed versions
list: View available games
Optional parameters for all commands:
Wobei hier natürlich nur "Counter-Strike Source" von Interesse ist.