AM 2.50.52 installiert: Metamod funzt, AM nicht
Seite 1 von 1

Autor:  M4g0G [ 05.04.2003, 20:43 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  AM 2.50.52 installiert: Metamod funzt, AM nicht


Ich habe mich, auf Grund diverser Probleme, entschieden das aktuelle AM zu installieren. Ich habe wahrscheinlich einen ziemlichen Sprung gemacht, allerdings kann ich nicht genau sagen, welches AM vorher installiert war.
Jedenfalls nach langem hin und her habe ich das neue Metamod, das mit im AM2.50.52-Paket ist installiert bekommen. Nur sobald ich die plugins.ini mit folgendem Inhalt reinschiebe, startet der Server nicht.
  • win32 addons/adminmod/dlls/admin_MM.dll
    linux addons/adminmod/dlls/
In den Logfiles steht sogut wie nichts (Beispiel am Ende). Allerdings ist es ein dedicated Win32 Server von Gamesurf (CS 1.5 etc). Ich habe die Möglichkeit die Dateien zu verändern und den Server zu stoppen bzw. zu restarten (per FTP).

Hier die anderen ini- und cfg-Files:

  • game "Counter-Strike"
    url_info ""
    url_dl ""
    version "1.3"
    size "184000000"
    svonly "0"
    secure "1"
    type "multiplayer_only"
    cldll "1"
    hlversion "1108"
    nomodels "1"
    nohimodel "1"
    mpentity "info_player_start"
    //gamedll "dlls\mp.dll"
    gamedll "addons\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll"
    trainmap "tr_1"
  • //
    // In this file you list the scripts you want to
    // load. Use the path relative to the MOD directory
    // e.g. cstrike for Counter-Strike.
    // Lines beginning with "//" or "#" are commented out.
    // That means that these scripts will not be loaded.

    # addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_TFC.amx
    # dlls/plugin_spawn.amx
    # dlls/plugin_TFC.amx
    # dlls/plugin_budfroggy_rainbow.amx
    # dlls/plugin_stetze.amx
    # dlls/plugin_brazil_access.amx
    # dlls/plugin_consgreet.amx
    # dlls/plugin_console.amx
    # dlls/plugin_dio_cs.amx
    # dlls/plugin_dio_motm.amx
    # dlls/plugin_glow_cs.amx
    # dlls/plugin_hass.amx
    # dlls/plugin_krezerj_listen.amx
    # dlls/plugin_sank_AI.amx
    # dlls/plugin_sank_sounds.amx
    # dlls/plugin_speech.amx
    # dlls/plugin_stetze_nextmap.amx
    # dlls/plugin_telefun.amx
    # dlls/plugin_timerem2.amx
    # dlls/plugin_war.amx
    # dlls/plugin_weasel_look.amx
    # dlls/plugin_who.amx
    # dlls/plugin_wipeout_autoresponse.amx
    # dlls/plugin_method_time.amx
  • // (Note: For CVARS that are set to either "on" or "off," 0=off and 1=on) //
    echo Executing Admin Mod config file

    // Used by the TFC plugin only. If enabled, an attempt to switch
    // teams will be rejected if it would unbalance the teams
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    admin_balance_teams 1

    // If you are using bots with admin mod you can set this to 1
    // It will protect bots from receiving client commands which
    // would crash your server.
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    admin_bot_protection 0

    // This is the message displayed to everyone after connecting.
    admin_connect_msg "Look@"

    // This controls the availability of weapon restriction in CS.
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    admin_cs_restrict 1

    // This will produce debugging messages in your logs which can
    // be used to troubleshoot problems. Not recommended for general use.
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    admin_debug 1

    // Determines whether or not the fun commands are allowed by default.
    // If not on by default, the admin can still turn it on when wanted.
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    admin_fun_mode 0

    // Enable to get special effects with certain commands
    // like teleport or slap.
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    admin_fx 1

    // If enabled, people who are gagged (not allowed to "say") will be
    // unable to change their name while gagged
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    admin_gag_name 0

    // If enabled, people who are gagged will not be able to use
    // the say_team command.
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    admin_gag_sayteam 0

    // Makes the admin with the highest access level the only admin in power.
    // Example: if multiple admins are present, only the one with the highest
    // access level will have admin access.
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    admin_highlander 0

    // If admin_ignore_immunity is enabled, ACCESS_IMMUNITY is
    // ignored and does nothing.
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    admin_ignore_immunity 0

    // This file specifies which script plugins get loaded.
    // It should be relative from the <mod> directory
    admin_plugin_file "addons/adminmod/config/plugin.ini"

    // The time (in seconds) during which an admin can reconnect after
    // disconnecting without resetting his password in the setinfo line.
    admin_reconnect_timeout 300

    // Message displayed to users who try to execute commands that
    // they don't have the appropriate access rights for.
    admin_reject_msg "Is fuer Admins! Geh auf ! Da Kannsu Admin werden!"

    // How often, in seconds, the repeat_message should be shown on
    // the screen during the game. Minimum value is 15 seconds.
    // So, a value of 600 = 10 minutes between messages.
    admin_repeat_freq 120

    // Message that is show to everyone on the server every
    // ten minutes by the message plugin.
    admin_repeat_msg ""

    // The old verbosity. Defines how commands are announced to the players
    // clients in the form: "[ADMIN] <user> used command <command>"
    // 0=all commands announced in chat with the admin name
    // 1=all commands announced in chat, but without the admin name
    // 2=most commands not announced at all (except "cheat" commands)
    admin_quiet 0

    // This file is used to store configuration data across maps
    // and even across server restarts.
    // "vault.ini"
    admin_vault_file 0

    // If enabled, a hlds_ld-style map vote will automatically
    // start five minutes before the end of a map.
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    admin_vote_autostart 0

    // If set to on status (1), when a vote is in progress all
    // players will see the votes of other players as they vote.
    // (0=disable, 1=enabled)
    admin_vote_echo 1

    // Number of seconds that must elapse after start of the map,
    // or the end of another vote, before another hlds_ld-style
    // map vote can be called.
    admin_vote_freq 10

    // Controls how many times the current map can be
    // extended for thirty minutes
    admin_vote_maxextend 0

    // Percent of players who have to vote for a map to get it
    // to win a hlds_ld-style map vote.
    admin_vote_ratio 51

    // Ability to make clients execute commands
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    allow_client_exec 1

    // When set to 0, and debug is enabled, Admin Mod passwords
    // will not be logged in cleartext.
    amv_log_passwords 1

    // Private server option. If enabled, only users listed in
    // users_file or ips_file are allowed to access the server.
    amv_private_server 0

    // The message displayed to users who do not get granted
    // access to a private server
    amv_prvt_kick_message "Hier is gerade Privat-Party der Admins..."

    // The time during which an admin can recoonect to the server into
    // a *different* slot than before without loosing his admin access rights.
    // Maximum is 90 seconds.
    amv_reconnect_time 30

    // Defines the max time length in seconds of voting process.
    amv_vote_duration 30

    // Default access rights for players not in the users.ini file.
    // (See documentation for access levels and information)
    default_access 0

    // encrypt_password, for LINUX ONLY, whether to use
    // encrypted passwords or not
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    encrypt_password 0

    // If enabled, the scripting file functions have read
    // access to files
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    file_access_read 1

    // If enabled, the scripting file functions have write
    // access to files
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    file_access_write 1

    // This is only used with the old script system and is not
    // needed with the new plugin system
    //help_file "admin_help.cfg"

    // Declares priority IPs that are allowed to take a
    // reserved spot (if any are set up) without a password.
    ips_file 0

    // Ratio of players who must vote 'yes' to a kick for
    // it to be successful.
    kick_ratio 70

    // Ratio of players who must vote 'yes' to a map change
    // for it to be successful.
    map_ratio 50

    // List of maps people are allowed to vote for. 0 to disable.
    // Disable to enable all maps and use list from mapcycle.txt.
    maps_file 0

    // The file (relative to the <mod> dir) that
    // reserved models are loaded from. 0 to disable.
    models_file 0

    // The message shown to someone who gets kicked for
    // trying to use a reserved model.
    models_kick_msg "Is fuer Admins! Geh auf ! Da Kannsu Admin werden!"

    // The message shown to someone who gets kicked for
    // trying to use a reserved nickname.
    nicks_kick_msg "Is fuer Admins! Geh auf ! Da Kannsu Admin werden!"

    // Password_field...first password of the setinfo line
    // If password_field is "_pw-AdminMod", the setinfo will be
    // setinfo "_pw-AdminMod" "password-in-users.ini"
    password_field "pw"

    // If pretty_say is enabled, centersay() fades in
    // and out and does some other tricks.
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    pretty_say 1

    // Controls how many (number) of the server's slots are reserved.
    // This is useful only if reserve_type, below, is either 0 or 2.
    reserve_slots 1

    // Custom message given to clients trying to connect who do not have
    // a reserved slots, when no public slots are free
    reserve_slots_msg "Sorry, die Public-Slots sind alle belegt, aber... Geh auf ! Da Kannsu Admin werden!"

    // This controls how reserve slots work on the server. See documentation.
    reserve_type 1

    // NOTE: If you have "admin_plugin_file" set above, this CVAR is ignored.
    // Define the path to the script file here, if you don't want
    // to use the plugin system.
    //script_file "cstrike/dlls/admin.amx"

    // If enabled, names are compared to those who have privileges
    // with regular expressions.
    // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
    use_regex 0

    // The file in which you define your admins, their passwords
    // and the access levels that they are assigned to.
    users_file "addons/adminmod/config/users.ini"

    // The minimum number of seconds allowed between votes
    // called with the vote() (admin_vote functions) scripting function.
    // If 0 or disabled, the vote() scripting function is disabled.
    vote_freq 60

    // Location of word filter file. 0 to disable, or something
    // like "wordlist.txt" if enabled
    words_file "words.txt"
  • hostname "Die Klappsmuehle -"
    Email ""
    URL ""
    Location "Hamburg, Germany"
    Admin "Ch4oS&M4g0G"

    // log on
    // logaddress 3835

    mp_autokick "1"
    mp_autoteambalance "1"
    mp_c4timer "35"
    mp_flashlight "1"
    mp_footsteps "1"
    mp_forcechasecam "0"
    mp_freezetime "3"
    mp_friendlyfire "1"
    mp_friendly_grenade_damage "1"
    mp_hostagepenalty "0"
    mp_limitteams "2"
    mp_logmessages "1"
    mp_mapvoteratio "0.3"
    mp_roundtime "4"
    mp_timelimit "30"
    mp_tkpunish "1"
    mp_chasecam "0"
    mp_falldamage "1"
    mp_timeleft "1"
    mp_buytime "0.5"

    // General HL Cvars
    decalfrequency "60"
    maxplayers "20"
    pausable "0"
    sv_restartround "0"
    sv_hidefrags "0"
    sv_aim "0"
    sv_cheats "0"
    sv_maxrate "8000"
    sv_maxspeed "320"
    sv_minrate "2500"
    sv_timeout "60"
    sv_allowdownload "1"
    cl_hidefrags "0"
    sv_airaccelerate "1.5"
    sv_airmove "0"
    sv_proxies "1"
    sys_ticrate "1000"
    sv_maxupdaterate "100"

    // Rcon Stuff
    rcon_password "GEHEIM"
    sv_password ""

    // Master server
    setmaster add 27010

    // Logging
    mp_logfile "1"
    log "on"

    // Banned.cfg
    exec banned.cfg

    amv_reconnect_time 300

    // AdminMod Server Variables

    exec addons/adminmod/config/adminmod.cfg
aktuellstes logfile:
  • L 04/05/2003 - 20:17:20: Log file started (file "E:\hl-csf\cstrike\logs\L0405084.log") (game "cstrike") (version "46/")
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:17:28: World triggered "Round_Start"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:17:36: Rcon: "rcon 153200748 "GEHEIM" sv_password" from ""
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:17:40: Rcon: "rcon 153200748 "GEHEIM" meta list" from ""
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:18:12: "/c.o.d/hanfhans<1><1053178><>" connected, address ""
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:19:29: "Tex@s Bouli<2><1642920><>" connected, address ""
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:19:51: "/c.o.d/hanfhans<1><1053178><>" entered the game
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:20:05: "/c.o.d/hanfhans<1><1053178><>" joined team "CT"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:20:42: "/c.o.d/hanfhans<1><1053178><CT>" say "terrors"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:20:52: "-=][|K!lLoR][=-<3><2850996><>" connected, address ""
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:02: "blabla<4><2239656><>" connected, address ""
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:16: "Tex@s Bouli<2><1642920><>" entered the game
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:20: "blabla<4><2239656><>" entered the game
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:23: "Tex@s Bouli<2><1642920><>" joined team "CT"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:30: "blabla<4><2239656><>" joined team "TERRORIST"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:31: World triggered "Game_Commencing"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:31: World triggered "Game_Commencing" (CT "0") (T "0")
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:31: World triggered "Round_End"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:34: Server cvar "sv_friction" = "4.000000"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:34: "blabla<4><2239656><TERRORIST>" triggered "Spawned_With_The_Bomb"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:37: "alias<5><381871><>" connected, address ""
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:37: World triggered "Round_Start"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:38: "sc<6><1364807><>" connected, address ""
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:56: "/c.o.d/hanfhans<1><1053178><CT>" killed "blabla<4><2239656><TERRORIST>" with "deagle"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:56: Team "CT" triggered "CTs_Win" (CT "1") (T "0")
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:21:56: World triggered "Round_End"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:22:01: "blabla<4><2239656><TERRORIST>" triggered "Spawned_With_The_Bomb"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:22:04: World triggered "Round_Start"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:22:36: "blabla<4><2239656><TERRORIST>" triggered "Planted_The_Bomb"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:22:42: "blabla<4><2239656><TERRORIST>" killed "/c.o.d/hanfhans<1><1053178><CT>" with "deagle"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:03: "sc<6><1364807><>" entered the game
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:11: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "1") (T "1")
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:11: World triggered "Round_End"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:16: "blabla<4><2239656><TERRORIST>" triggered "Spawned_With_The_Bomb"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:19: World triggered "Round_Start"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:28: "Tex@s Bouli<2><1642920><CT>" killed "/c.o.d/hanfhans<1><1053178><CT>" with "m4a1"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:38: "alias<5><381871><>" entered the game
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:39: "blabla<4><2239656><TERRORIST>" killed "Tex@s Bouli<2><1642920><CT>" with "ak47"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:39: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "1") (T "2")
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:39: World triggered "Round_End"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:44: "blabla<4><2239656><TERRORIST>" triggered "Spawned_With_The_Bomb"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:44: "Tex@s Bouli<2><1642920><CT>" committed suicide with "world"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:46: "alias<5><381871><>" joined team "TERRORIST"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:47: World triggered "Round_Start"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:23:48: "/c.o.d/hanfhans<1><1053178><CT>" say "whats up?"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:24:04: "blabla<4><2239656><TERRORIST>" killed "/c.o.d/hanfhans<1><1053178><CT>" with "m4a1"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:24:04: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "1") (T "3")
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:24:04: World triggered "Round_End"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:24:09: "blabla<4><2239656><TERRORIST>" triggered "Spawned_With_The_Bomb"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:24:12: World triggered "Round_Start"
    L 04/05/2003 - 20:24:29: "/c.o.d/han

Vielen Dank im voraus für Eure Hilfe

Autor:  [-=THH=-]Stillsetzhut [ 05.04.2003, 21:33 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Hmm, da sind einige Fehler drinn:

Die liblist.gam z.B. ist veraltet und koennte eine Aktualisierung gebrauche, es sei denn Du spielst noch die Version 1.3 :wink:

Der entscheidende Grund ist jedoch:
password_field "pw"
Seit 2.50.50 geht nur noch "_pw-home", also wuerde es bei Dir lauten:
password_field "_pw"
Das dient zur Sicherheit. Fehlt da der Unterstrich, faehrt der Server erst gar nicht hoch.

Ausserdem wuerde ich an Deiner Stelle schon eine vault.ini laufen lassen, denn irgendwann wird ein Plugin diese benutzen wollen.



Autor:  M4g0G [ 05.04.2003, 21:53 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

WOOW, viiiielen viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeelen Dank.

Du bist mein Godmaster. Jetzt wird laut 'rcon meta list' wenigstens das AM-Plugin endlich vernuenftig gestartet.

Jetzt hab ich blos noch das Problem, dass beim Connect zwar 'Connection accepted' kommt, allerdings kommt dann immer ein Timeout und das war es dann!?!

Hättest du da auch noch eine Idee?

Autor:  [-=THH=-]Stillsetzhut [ 05.04.2003, 22:40 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Alle .amx fuer Windows?

Autor:  M4g0G [ 05.04.2003, 22:41 ]

So, ich schätze mal, dass noch keiner geantwortet hat, weil sich entweder alle gerade die Ruebe wegsaufen (wie es sich fuer normale Menschen um die Uhrzeit gehört) oder weil es einfach keinen ersichtlichen Fehler sonst gibt.
Lange Rede, kurzer Dings: Mein scheiss FTP-Client hat beim runterladen der Datei die bereits vorhandene adminmod.cfg nicht überschrieben, sondern die beiden Dateien wohl für gleich befunden und mit seiner überaus scharfsinnigen KI gemeint, 'nee die lassen ma mal so'. AAARGH
Nein ich werde mich nicht aufregen (nach ca. 8 Stunden Gebastel zwecks Admin-Mod-Installation wäre das wohl auch ne Überreaktion *g*)...

Naja, jedenfalls war der Pfad für die plugin.ini halt noch der alte Pfad (ohne diesen 'addons/...'-Kram).

Aber dank meiner seltsamerweise unglaublichen Geduld *sabbernd und zuckend vorm Monitor sitz* und vor allem Dank dem Gott Stillsetzhut (hm interessanter Name eigentlich) ist es endlich vollbracht und alle können wieder auf der Klappse zocken.
Jetzt muss ich ja blos noch alle Plugins einzelnd installieren, damit ich weiss, welches da eigentlich immer Mist gemacht hat, und schon bin ich fertig. Was ein schönes WE!! ;-)

Jedenfalls Danke ich nochmals allen, die dieses Board hier betreiben und soviel Energie und Kram darein stecken und halt nochmal ganz besonders dem [-=THH=-]Stillsetzhut, weil ohne den würde ich noch bis Montag (dann könnte ich den Support für den Server anrufen) an meinem Rechner sitzen und so oft in die (Schreib-)tischkante beissen, bis nur noch Holzspäne auf dem Boden liegen.

Egal jetzt genug der Romane, ich hab nur noch 32 Stunden Zeit für die Plugins *G*

Machts gut alle miteinander und ich liebe Euch


Autor:  [WING] Black Knight [ 05.04.2003, 23:38 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Hmmm, ich sag dann mal: Proooost!

Autor:  Sir Drink a lot [ 06.04.2003, 01:36 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

das ist mein Spruch :lol:

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