Probleme mit STATSME
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Autor:  Chaos1 [ 23.12.2002, 19:21 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Probleme mit STATSME

Hi Leute,

ich weis, es nervt das niemand richtig mit statsme umgehen kann und dann euch auch noch im Forum damit nervt aber ich hab übermorgen ne lan zu machen und der server läuft noch nicht richtig - eben wegen statsme...

also ich hab mir mein adminmod 2.50.50 druafgeknallt und es funzt, dann wollte ich mit statsme weitermachen, das hab ich installiert und alles nach der faq von gemacht. nun ist mir beim start des servers aufgefallen das die MOTD kommt und dachte alles läuft nur im game selber kommt garnix, keine anzeige wenn ich "say /stats bzw statsme" eingebe und wenn ich jemanden kill kommt auch keine victims anzeige... kann mir jemand helfen?

wer weitere infos braucht einfach sagen und schon kommen sie...

Autor:  metaxa [ 23.12.2002, 19:37 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 


Helf dir gern aber ist nicht das richtige Forum vielleicht verschiebt, ja mal bitte jemand den Topic.

Aber ich brauche weitere Angaben:

Statsme version, welche config du nutzt.

Ansonsten: ... 8d2fd7cf2e&

Hier solltest du alle antworten finden die du brauchst



Autor:  Chaos1 [ 23.12.2002, 21:03 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

also die version ist die "2.5.6" und die config häng ich hier mal an:

// StatsMe Forums: < ... forumid=36>
// Latest StatsMe: <> (check Files section)
// Put "exec statsme.cfg" to your "server.cfg" and "listenserver.cfg" <-- Hab ich gemacht

// Enable/disable statsme plugin (useful for league clan matches)
alias statsme_on "meta unpause statsme"
alias statsme_off "meta pause statsme"

// Make sure that logging is enabled (check for it also in "server.cfg" and "listenserver.cfg")
log on

// Motd which allows you to display contents depending on cvars settings
// NOTE: Disable this motd (comment these lines) if you already running one from CM or AM
sm_motd " >> {#.hostname} <<"
sm_motd " "
sm_motd " Moin {},"
sm_motd " Zeit: {thetime}"
sm_motd " Deine IP: {p.ip}"
sm_motd " Deine WonID: {p.wonid}"
sm_motd " "
sm_motd " Spieler aufm Server: {playersnum}/{maxplayers}"
sm_motd " Jetzige Map: {currentmap}"
sm_motd " {#.clanmod_version?:#skip!}Naechste Map: {#.cm_nextmap}"
sm_motd " {timeleft?Verbleibende Zeit\: $:* Kein Zeitlimit *}"
sm_motd " {#.mp_timelimit?Zeitlimit ist auf $ min. gestellt:Kein Zeitlimit eingestellt}"
sm_motd " Friendly fire is {#.mp_friendlyfire?AN:AUS}"
sm_motd " C4 timer is: {#.mp_c4timer} sec."
sm_motd " Team kills {sm_mode&16384?werden:werden nicht} bestraft"
sm_motd " "
sm_motd " {sm_mode&16384?:#skip!}Say /forgivetk um den Teamkiller zu vergeben"
sm_motd " {sm_mode&1?:#skip!}Say {#.sm_statsmecmd} um deine stats zu sehen"
sm_motd " {sm_mode&1?:#skip!}Say {#.sm_statscmd} um die stats der anderern Spieler zu sehen"
sm_motd " {sm_mode&256?:#skip!}Say {#.sm_rankcmd} um die Rangliste der besten Spieler zu sehen"
sm_motd " {sm_mode&256?:#skip!}Die Rangliste wird nach jedem Mapchange erneuert"
sm_motd " {#.sm_switchcmd?:#skip!}Say {#.sm_switchcmd} um die Statsme Anzeige AN/AUS zu stellen"
sm_motd " Weitere Commands: /ff, /me, /score, /timeleft, /report"
sm_motd " "
sm_motd " Server mods:"
sm_motd " * {#.statsme_version?StatsMe $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {#.clanmod_version?ClanMod $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {#.admin_mod_version?AdminMod $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {#.plbot_version?PLBot $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {#.csguard_version?CSGuard $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {#.hlguard_version?HLGuard $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {#.cdversion?Cheating-Death $:#skip!} {#.cdrequired?is REQUIRED!:set in OPTIONAL mode}"
sm_motd "============================================================================="

// StatsMe options - ** Add up the values to get desired setting.
// sm_mode < set | remove > < bits >
// 1 (a) - allow for displaying stats during the game (say /statsme and /stats)
// 2 (b) - show stats to all players at the end of map
// 4 (c) - announce normal kill (with health and armor left on enemy)
// 8 (d) - announce headshot
// 16 (e) - announce monsterkill
// 32 (f) - announce bomb set (only CS)
// 64 (g) - counting to explosion (only CS)
// 128 (h) - round end score (only CS)
// 256 (i) - allow to display top15 list (say /top15)
// 512 (j) - bomb defusing success
// 1024 (k) - bomb defusing failure
// 2048 (l) - announce knife kill
// 4096 (m) - announce attackers on death
// 8192 (n) - announce victims on death
sm_mode set abcdfghijkl

// NOTE: If you set it now then on every mapchange sm_mode will be set to this value,
// It will be better if you set it by statsme_menu in game.

// Some stats values

// GAME:
// p. <- ask for player stats
// pX. <- X is an index of player, ask for player stats
// v. <- ask for victim values
// k. <- ask for killer values
// b. <- ask for bomb planter values
// d. <- ask for bomb defuser values
// tX. <- X is 1 or 2, ask for team values
// c4num <- digital representation of time remaining to the explosion
// c4str <- time remaining in word
// timeleft <- time remaining
// currentmap
// @. <- ask for localinfo value
// #. <- ask for cvar value

// id <- index of player
// name <- name of player
// wonid
// time <- playing time
// userid
// ping <- averange ping
// v. <- his last victim
// k. <- his last killer
// st. <- ask for stats from last action or event
// w. <- stats from currently used weapon
// wX. <- X is an index of weapon, ask for stats from pointed weapon
// gm. <- game stats
// rd. <- round stats
// tm. <- player's team
// @. <- ask for player's setinfo

// gm. <- game stats
// rd. <- round stats

// name <- name of team, weapon or weapon from which player was killed
// head <- number of aiming on head
// stomach
// leftarm
// rightarm
// chest
// leftleg
// rightleg
// shots <- number of shots
// hits
// hs <- headshots (kills)
// kills
// tks <- teamkilling
// deaths
// damage
// acc <- accuracy
// eff <- efficiency
// mkill <- player with most kills
// mdisr <- most disruptive player
// macc <- most accurate player

// Log format for end map weapon stats (make sure you have "log on" in your server.cfg)
sm_logformat "(weapon \'{}\') (shots \'{}\') (hits \'{}\') (kills \'{}\') (headshots \'{}\') (tks \'{}\') (damage \'{}\') (deaths \'{}\')"
// Detailed log format for weapon stats
sm_logformat2 "(weapon \'{}\') (head \'{}\') (chest \'{}\') (stomach \'{}\') (leftarm \'{}\') (rightarm \'{}\') (leftleg \'{}\') (rightleg \'{}\')"
sm_latlogformat "(ping \'{}\')" // Latency log
sm_latlogfreq 20 // Latency measure rate
sm_timelogformat "(time \'{p.time}\')" // Playing time log

// Player stats format (when called by /statsme)
sm_playerstats "Killed enemies: {}\nDeaths: {}\nEfficiency: {}%%\nAccuracy: {}%%\n"
// Weapon stats format (when called by /statsme)
sm_weaponstats "{} shots: {} hits: {} kills: {} hs: {} damage: {} eff.: {}%% acc.: {}%%"

// Format for messages from csg_say command
// Colour red (0-255)
// Green (0-255)
// Blue (0-255)
// Position x (0.00 - 1.00, -1 is center)
// Position y (0.00 - 1.00, 1.00 is down)
// Effects (0-2)
// Fx time (float)
// Hold time (float)
// Fade in time (float)
// Fade out time (float)
// Channel (diff. channels won't overflow incoming msg.)
// (i.e. sm_sayformat "0=100=200=-1=0.25=0=6=6=1=1=1")

// Same aliases which help to format messages
alias set_hs "sm_sayformat 220=0=0=-1=0.10=2=0.02=6=0.01=0.1=3"
alias set_kk "sm_sayformat 200=100=0=-1=0.20=0=6=6=0.5=0.5=1"
alias set_bm "sm_sayformat 200=100=0=-1=0.30=0=5=6=0.5=1.5=4"
alias set_hl "sm_sayformat 100=200=0=0.05=0.47=2=0.02=6=0.01=0.1=1"
alias set_rd "sm_sayformat 100=200=0=0.05=0.55=2=0.02=6=0.01=0.1=2"
alias set_sr "sm_sayformat 100=200=0=0.05=0.68=2=0.02=12=0.01=0.1=1"
alias set_mk "sm_sayformat 0=100=200=0.05=0.65=2=0.02=6=0.01=0.1=2"
alias set_al "sm_sayformat 220=80=0=0.55=0.35=0=6=20=1=2=3"
alias set_vl "sm_sayformat 0=80=220=0.55=0.60=0=6=20=1=2=4"

// Set time in hours after which top15 will be reset
sm_resetrank 144

// Name of some commands called by say
sm_rankcmd "/top15"
sm_statsmecmd "/statsme"
sm_statscmd "/stats"
sm_switchcmd "/switch"

// Announce headshot
//sm_register "DeathMsg" "{sm_mode&8?:#skip!}set_hs;sm_say \'{} made headshot\\non {} with {}!\'" "ade" "3=1"
sm_headshot "set_hs;sm_say \'{} machte einen Headshot !!!\\nEr traf {} mit der {} !\';sm_clexec * \'spk \\'misc/headshot\\'\'" "ade" "3=1"

// Announce knife kill
//sm_register "DeathMsg" "{sm_mode&2048?:#skip!}set_kk;sm_say \'{} knifed {}!!!\'"
sm_knifekill "set_kk;sm_say \'{} wurde von {} gemessert !!!\'"

// Announce normal kill
//sm_register "DeathMsg" "{sm_mode&4?:#skip!}sm_tell #{v.userid} \'* {} with {} still has {}hp and {k.armor}ap >>{ head\: $}{ chest\: $}{ stomach\: $}{ leftleg\: $}{ rightleg\: $}{ leftarm\: $}{ rightarm\: $}\' 3" "ade"
sm_kill "set_hl;sm_tell \'{}\' \'{} traf dich mit der {}\\nEr hatte noch {} HP und {k.armor} Armor\'" "ade" "3=1"

// Greande suicide
//sm_register "DeathMsg" "{!!}set_kk;sm_say \'{} lern ersma wie man mit Granaten umgeht!\'" "ade" "4=gren"
sm_register "DeathMsg" "{!!}set_kk;sm_say \'{} lern ersma wie man mit Granaten umgeht!\'" "ade" "4=gren"

// Announce monster kill
sm_monsterkill "set_mk;sm_say \'{}Kill: {}\\nwith {} kill(s) / {} head(s) -- {} dmg / {} acc.\';sm_clexec * \'spk \\'misc/{}kill\\'\'"
sm_monsterkillnum 3 // Set the number of quick kills which will be treated as a monster kill
sm_monsterfreq 4 // Max. delay in seconds between every kill for monster kill

// Announce bomb set
sm_bombset "set_bm;sm_say \'{} hat die Bombe gelegt!!\'"
// Announce bomb defuse success
sm_bombdefused "set_bm;sm_say \'{} hat die Bombe entschaerft!\'"
// Announce bomb defuse failure
sm_bombfailure "set_bm;sm_say \'B - O - O - O - M\'"

// Announce count down till bomb explosion (freq.) - See next option
sm_bombtimefreq "sm_clexec * \'spk \\'vox/{c4str} seconds\\'\';sm_tell * \'{c4num} Sekunden bis zur Explosion !\' 4"
sm_bombfreq 10 // Do action above every x sec.

// Announce count down till bomb explosion (cont.) - See next option
sm_bombtimecont "sm_clexec * \'spk \\'vox/{c4str}\\'\';sm_tell * \'{c4num}\' 4"
sm_bombcont 10 // Do action above at last x sec. before explosion

// Announce victims
sm_victims "set_vl;sm_tell \'#{p.userid}\' \'Victims -- acc.: {p.rd.acc}%:\\n{p.victims?$:#skip!}\'"
sm_victimsbody "{} -- {} hits(s) / {} dmg{ / $}"

// Announce attackers
sm_attackers "set_al;sm_tell \'#{p.userid}\' \'Attackers{ -- $:}{p.k.rd.acc? -- acc.\: $%:}:\\n{p.attackers?$:#skip!}\'"
sm_attackersbody "{} -- {} hits(s) / {} dmg{ / $}"

// Announce score and best player at the end of round
sm_roundend "set_rd;sm_say \'Am effektivsten: {}\\nmit {rd.mdisr.rd.hits} Treffern / {rd.mdisr.rd.damage} Schaden\\nDie meisten Frags: {}\\nmit {rd.mkill.rd.kills} Kills / {rd.mkill.rd.hs} Headshots\'"
sm_roundenddelay 0 // Delay for roundend stats and victims/attackers list for survived players

// sm_alias < command > < server command > < flags >
// flags: a - console command, b - say command, c - don't show said alias
sm_alias "/score" "sm_tell #{p.userid} \'Game score: {} {} / {} / {} -- {} {} / {} / {}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/report" "sm_clexec #{p.userid} \'say_team weapon: {$:#skip!} ammo: {p.w.clip}/{p.w.ammo} health: {} armor: {p.armor} money: {}\' 3" "bc"
sm_alias "/timeleft" "sm_tell * \'{timeleft?Time Remaining\: $:* No Time Limit *}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/currentmap" "sm_tell * \'Played map: {currentmap}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/me" "sm_tell #{p.userid} \'* Last result: {} hit(s) -- { head\: $}{ chest\: $}{ stomach\: $}{ leftleg\: $}{ rightleg\: $}{ leftarm\: $}{ rightarm\: $}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/ff" "sm_tell * \'Firendly fire: {#.mp_friendlyfire?ON:OFF}\' 3" "b"

// Set password for StatsMe Menu (no password disables menu)
sm_menupassword "sagichned" // To display menu type as player in the console: statsme_menu root

// Positions for StatsMe Menu (here can be also server commands)
// sm_menu < description > < server command >
sm_menu "/statsme and /stats\\y\\R{sm_mode&1?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&1?remove:set} 1"
sm_menu "EndMap Stats\\y\\R{sm_mode&2?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&2?remove:set} 2"
sm_menu "Normalkill announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&4?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&4?remove:set} 4"
sm_menu "Headshot announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&8?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&8?remove:set} 8"
sm_menu "Monsterkill announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&16?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&16?remove:set} 16"
sm_menu "BombSet announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&32?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&32?remove:set} 32"
sm_menu "Count. to explosion\\y\\R{sm_mode&64?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&64?remove:set} 64"
sm_menu "EndRound Stats\\y\\R{sm_mode&128?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&128?remove:set} 128"
sm_menu "Top15 Rank\\y\\R{sm_mode&256?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&256?remove:set} 256"
sm_menu "Bomb Def. Success\\y\\R{sm_mode&512?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&512?remove:set} 512"
sm_menu "Bomb Def. Failure\\y\\R{sm_mode&1024?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&1024?remove:set} 1024"
sm_menu "Knifekill announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&2048?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&2048?remove:set} 2048"
sm_menu "Attackers List\\y\\R{sm_mode&4096?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&4096?remove:set} 4096"
sm_menu "Victims List\\y\\R{sm_mode&8192?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&8192?remove:set} 8192"
sm_menu "ForgiveTK\\y\\R{sm_mode&16384?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&16384?remove:set} 16384"
//sm_menu "-----" " "
//sm_menu "mp_tkpunish\\y\\R{mp_tkpunish}" "mp_tkpunish {mp_tkpunish?0:1}"
//sm_menu "mp_friendlyfire\\y\\R{mp_friendlyfire}" "mp_friendlyfire {mp_friendlyfire?0:1}"
//sm_menu "mp_autoteambalance\\y\\R{mp_autoteambalance}" "mp_autoteambalance {mp_autoteambalance?0:1}"

// NOTE: This menu is prepared for Counter-Strike
// i.e. \\y means in CS that this is a yellow position and \\R that it has to be aligned to the right

sm_log Configuration for StatsMe 2.5.6 loaded

Autor:  DarkEyes1 [ 23.12.2002, 21:54 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

ich glaube hier: ... um=18&1114
wird dir besser geholfen... dort gibt es auch die neue version... is zwar ne beta, rennt bei mir schon seit monaten sehr sauber...
ausserdem ist sie in deutsch :wink:

Autor:  Chaos1 [ 23.12.2002, 22:28 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 


werde es heute noch installieren und testen - sag bescheid ob ich damit besser zurecht komme...

... also statsme läuft zu 80% korrekt, nur während des spiels kann ich die stats nicht aufrufen - alles andere fuzt einwandfrei...

Vielen dank leute, ihr habt mir das leben gerettet :wink:

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