Serverabsturz in der 4. Runde
Seite 1 von 1

Autor:  The.Doc [ 04.07.2002, 00:15 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Serverabsturz in der 4. Runde

Ich weiß, daß es zu diesem Thema schon jedemenge Threads gibt, aber ich konnte mein problem nicht mit deren Hilfe lösen, vielleicht habt Ihr ja noch ne Idee! (Hoffentlich ist dies das richtige Forum dafür)

Ich habe folgendes installiert:

CS 1.5 (MOD Version)
MetaMod 1.12.3
AdminMod 2.50.26
und die Plugins sind am Ende in der Plugin.ini vermerkt!

Es läuft soweit alles einwandfrei, alle plugins, etc.
Das Problem ist nur, daß jedesmal die CPU Auslastung (gegen) Ende der 4. Runde auf 100 Prozent hoch geht und nichts mehr geht! Zu Testzwecken lasse ich im Moment den dedicated Server und den Client auf dem selben Rechner laufen, der dedicated Server soll am Ende auf eine andere Maschine! Es macht keinen Unterschied wieviele Bots ich im Spiel habe, egal ob 1 oder 5, in der 4. Runde geht der Server immmer in die Knie!

Wieß jemand woran das liegen kann?

Bin für jeden Tip dankbar!

Meine ganzen Config Datein sind als Attachment angeführt!
Meine Command Line:
\HLServer\hlds.exe -game cstrike -port 27016 +maxplayers 10 -nomaster -insecure +map de_dust2 +localinfo mm_gamedll podbot/podbot.dll -zone 8192 +sv_lan 1

Autor:  The.Doc [ 04.07.2002, 22:00 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Nunja, ich hab mal noch ein bischen rumprobiert und bin zu folgendem Ergebnis gekommen:

Habe als erstes maxplayers auf 8 geändert und dann habe nacheinander immer 2 plugins abgeschaltet, dann den Server neu gestartet und den befehl "admin_command admin_fillbots" in die Konsole eingegeben und das ganze eine ganze Zeit lang laufen lassen! Immer am Ende der 1. Runde ist der Server abgeschmiert, somit vermute ich, daß es ein Problem gibt, wenn ein Team gewinnt, in dem nur (noch) Bots sind! Hat jemand schon mal in dieser hinsicht Probleme gehabt?

Autor:  The.Doc [ 05.07.2002, 07:54 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Hier nochmal mein Log file mit Debug messages:

L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:49: Log file started (file "E:\HLServer\cstrike\logs\L0705001.log") (game "cstrike") (version "46/")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:49: Server cvar "pausable" = "0"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:49: Server cvar "sv_aim" = "0"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:49: Server cvar "sv_maxrate" = "25000"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:49: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "320"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:49: Server cvar "sv_minrate" = "1000"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:49: Server cvar "allow_client_exec" = "1"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:49: Server cvar "default_access" = "1"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] DEBUG: LoadFile::ips_file cvar empty. No IPs loaded.
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] DEBUG: LoadFile::models_file cvar empty. No models loaded.
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Loading users from file 'users.ini'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] DEBUG: User loaded: Name '[awi]Dash', Password 'masterdash', Access '65535'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Loaded 1 users
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Loading vault records from file 'vault.ini'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Loaded 8 vault records
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] DEBUG: LoadFile::words_file cvar empty. No words loaded.
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] LoadPlugins: Game dir is 'E:\HLServer\cstrike'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Loading plugins from file 'plugin.ini'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Found plugin 'E:\HLServer\cstrike\dlls\plugin_base.amx'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] DEBUG: fileexists looking for file E:\HLServer\cstrike\cs_siege.cfg
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Found plugin 'E:\HLServer\cstrike\dlls\plugin_chat.amx'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Found plugin 'E:\HLServer\cstrike\dlls\plugin_cheat.amx'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Found plugin 'E:\HLServer\cstrike\dlls\plugin_hldsld_mapvote.amx'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] DEBUG: Timer for function AllowMapVote, wait 290, repeat 1 added as index 0.
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Found plugin 'E:\HLServer\cstrike\dlls\plugin_message.amx'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Found plugin 'E:\HLServer\cstrike\dlls\plugin_retribution.amx'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Found plugin 'E:\HLServer\cstrike\dlls\plugin_spawn.amx'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Found plugin 'E:\HLServer\cstrike\dlls\plugin_fun.amx'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Found plugin 'E:\HLServer\cstrike\dlls\plugin_podbot.amx'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Loaded 9 plugins
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] Plugins loaded successfully.
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] DEBUG: Match found on command admin_addbot for plugin E:\HLServer\cstrike\dlls\plugin_podbot.amx / function 1
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:57: [ADMIN] DEBUG: Timer for function addbot, wait 1, repeat 1 added as index 1.
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:58: [ADMIN] DEBUG: getteamcount: Found '0' players in team '1'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:58: [ADMIN] DEBUG: getteamcount: Found '0' players in team '2'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:58: [ADMIN] (say) ADMIN Command: Admin used command admin_addbot "addbot 87 2"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:58: [ADMIN] Executing command: pb "addbot 87 2"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:59: [ADMIN] AM_ClientUserInfoChanged: [POD]Kugelfang (87)
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:59: [ADMIN] AM_ClientUserInfoChanged: [POD]Kugelfang (87)
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:59: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><>" entered the game
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:59: [ADMIN] AM_ClientUserInfoChanged: [POD]Kugelfang (87)
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:59: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><>" joined team "CT"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:10:59: [ADMIN] AM_ClientUserInfoChanged: [POD]Kugelfang (87)
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:05: [ADMIN] DEBUG: Match found on command admin_addbot for plugin E:\HLServer\cstrike\dlls\plugin_podbot.amx / function 1
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:05: [ADMIN] DEBUG: Timer for function addbot, wait 1, repeat 1 added as index 1.
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:06: [ADMIN] DEBUG: getteamcount: Found '0' players in team '1'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:06: [ADMIN] DEBUG: getteamcount: Found '1' players in team '2'
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:06: [ADMIN] (say) ADMIN Command: Admin used command admin_addbot "addbot 44 1"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:06: [ADMIN] Executing command: pb "addbot 44 1"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:07: [ADMIN] AM_ClientUserInfoChanged: [POD]L33t B0t (44)
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:07: [ADMIN] AM_ClientUserInfoChanged: [POD]L33t B0t (44)
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:07: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><>" entered the game
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:07: [ADMIN] AM_ClientUserInfoChanged: [POD]L33t B0t (44)
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:07: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><>" joined team "TERRORIST"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:07: World triggered "Game_Commencing"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:07: World triggered "Game_Commencing" (CT "0") (T "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:07: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:07: [ADMIN] AM_ClientUserInfoChanged: [POD]L33t B0t (44)
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:10: Server cvar "sv_friction" = "4.000000"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:14: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:43: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "deagle" (damage "36") (damage_armor "0") (health "64") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:43: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "deagle" (damage "148") (damage_armor "0") (health "-48") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:43: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "deagle"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:43: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "0") (T "1")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:43: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:11:52: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:12:47: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "20") (damage_armor "0") (health "80") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:12:47: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "fiveseven" (damage "14") (damage_armor "0") (health "86") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:12:48: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "20") (damage_armor "0") (health "60") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:12:48: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "38") (damage_armor "0") (health "22") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:12:48: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "24") (damage_armor "0") (health "-2") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:12:48: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:12:48: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "0") (T "2")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:12:48: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:12:57: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:13:33: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "m3" (damage "17") (damage_armor "9") (health "83") (armor "91")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:13:34: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "m3" (damage "76") (damage_armor "0") (health "7") (armor "91")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:13:35: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "31") (damage_armor "0") (health "69") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:13:35: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "33") (damage_armor "0") (health "36") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:13:35: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "25") (damage_armor "0") (health "11") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:13:35: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "30") (damage_armor "0") (health "-19") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:13:35: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:13:35: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "0") (T "3")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:13:35: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:13:44: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:14:19: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "26") (damage_armor "6") (health "74") (armor "94")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:14:19: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "21") (damage_armor "0") (health "53") (armor "94")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:14:19: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "86") (damage_armor "19") (health "-33") (armor "75")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:14:19: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:14:19: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "0") (T "4")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:14:19: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:14:28: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:15:06: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "ump45" (damage "12") (damage_armor "6") (health "88") (armor "85")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:15:06: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "ump45" (damage "13") (damage_armor "7") (health "75") (armor "78")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:15:06: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "21") (damage_armor "5") (health "79") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:15:07: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "ump45" (damage "13") (damage_armor "6") (health "62") (armor "72")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:15:07: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "21") (damage_armor "5") (health "58") (armor "90")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:15:07: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "92") (damage_armor "20") (health "-34") (armor "70")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:15:07: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:15:07: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "0") (T "5")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:15:07: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:15:16: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:16:05: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "usp" (damage "14") (damage_armor "0") (health "86") (armor "72")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:16:06: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "usp" (damage "13") (damage_armor "0") (health "73") (armor "72")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:16:06: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "usp" (damage "14") (damage_armor "0") (health "59") (armor "72")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:16:07: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "23") (damage_armor "0") (health "77") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:16:09: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "31") (damage_armor "0") (health "46") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:16:10: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "30") (damage_armor "0") (health "16") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:16:18: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "22") (damage_armor "0") (health "-6") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:16:18: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:16:18: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "0") (T "6")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:16:18: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:16:27: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:04: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "ump45" (damage "13") (damage_armor "7") (health "87") (armor "65")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:04: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "ump45" (damage "18") (damage_armor "0") (health "69") (armor "65")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:04: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "21") (damage_armor "0") (health "79") (armor "100")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:04: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "22") (damage_armor "0") (health "57") (armor "100")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:04: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "ump45" (damage "14") (damage_armor "7") (health "55") (armor "58")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:04: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "24") (damage_armor "0") (health "33") (armor "100")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:04: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "ump45" (damage "12") (damage_armor "6") (health "43") (armor "52")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:05: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "22") (damage_armor "0") (health "11") (armor "100")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:05: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "ump45" (damage "13") (damage_armor "7") (health "30") (armor "45")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:05: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "ump45" (damage "14") (damage_armor "7") (health "16") (armor "38")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:05: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "21") (damage_armor "5") (health "-10") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:05: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:05: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "0") (T "7")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:05: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:14: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:51: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "mp5navy" (damage "13") (damage_armor "7") (health "87") (armor "31")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:52: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "21") (damage_armor "5") (health "79") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:52: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "24") (damage_armor "0") (health "55") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:52: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "23") (damage_armor "0") (health "32") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:52: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "24") (damage_armor "0") (health "8") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:52: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "21") (damage_armor "0") (health "-13") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:52: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:52: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "0") (T "8")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:17:52: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:18:01: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:19:05: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "mp5navy" (damage "15") (damage_armor "0") (health "85") (armor "31")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:19:05: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "mp5navy" (damage "11") (damage_armor "6") (health "74") (armor "25")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:19:06: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "mp5navy" (damage "14") (damage_armor "7") (health "60") (armor "18")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:19:07: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "mp5navy" (damage "14") (damage_armor "7") (health "46") (armor "11")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:19:19: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "21") (damage_armor "5") (health "79") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:19:20: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "28") (damage_armor "6") (health "51") (armor "89")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:19:20: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "21") (damage_armor "5") (health "30") (armor "84")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:19:20: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "23") (damage_armor "5") (health "7") (armor "79")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:19:20: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "20") (damage_armor "4") (health "-13") (armor "75")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:19:20: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:19:20: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "0") (T "9")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:19:20: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:19:29: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:06: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "21") (damage_armor "5") (health "79") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:06: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "23") (damage_armor "5") (health "56") (armor "90")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:06: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "m4a1" (damage "21") (damage_armor "5") (health "79") (armor "6")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:07: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "24") (damage_armor "5") (health "32") (armor "85")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:07: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "92") (damage_armor "20") (health "-60") (armor "65")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:07: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:07: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "0") (T "10")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:07: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:16: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:54: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "m4a1" (damage "9") (damage_armor "0") (health "91") (armor "6")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:57: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "m4a1" (damage "22") (damage_armor "5") (health "69") (armor "1")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:57: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "m4a1" (damage "10") (damage_armor "0") (health "59") (armor "1")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:57: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "m4a1" (damage "32") (damage_armor "5") (health "27") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:57: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "33") (damage_armor "0") (health "67") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:57: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "29") (damage_armor "0") (health "38") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:58: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "25") (damage_armor "0") (health "13") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:58: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "24") (damage_armor "0") (health "-11") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:58: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:58: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "0") (T "11")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:20:58: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:21:07: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:21:42: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "m4a1" (damage "19") (damage_armor "5") (health "81") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:21:43: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "13") (damage_armor "0") (health "87") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:21:43: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "11") (damage_armor "0") (health "76") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:21:43: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "21") (damage_armor "0") (health "55") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:21:43: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "23") (damage_armor "0") (health "32") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:21:43: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "m4a1" (damage "23") (damage_armor "0") (health "58") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:21:44: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "33") (damage_armor "0") (health "-1") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:21:44: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:21:44: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "0") (T "12")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:21:44: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:21:53: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:22:32: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "aug" (damage "21") (damage_armor "0") (health "79") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:22:32: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "aug" (damage "21") (damage_armor "0") (health "58") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:22:32: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "aug" (damage "22") (damage_armor "0") (health "36") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:22:32: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "21") (damage_armor "0") (health "79") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:22:32: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "22") (damage_armor "0") (health "57") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:22:32: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "aug" (damage "9") (damage_armor "0") (health "27") (armor "95")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:22:32: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "aug" (damage "8") (damage_armor "1") (health "19") (armor "94")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:22:33: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "31") (damage_armor "0") (health "26") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:22:33: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" attacked "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552" (damage "30") (damage_armor "0") (health "-4") (armor "0")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:22:33: "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" with "sg552"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:22:33: Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "0") (T "13")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:22:33: World triggered "Round_End"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:22:42: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/05/2002 - 00:23:16: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "mp5navy" (damage "40") (damage_armor "20") (health "60") (armor "74")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:23:16: "[POD]Kugelfang (87)<1><BOT><CT>" attacked "[POD]L33t B0t (44)<2><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "mp5navy" (damage "11") (damage_armor "6") (health "49") (armor "68")
L 07/05/2002 - 00:23:16: "[POD]L33t B

It ends in the middle of the line without an error message!

Autor:  The.Doc [ 05.07.2002, 09:04 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Ich hab jetzt mal eine Neuinstallation gemacht!

Hab jetzt folgendes installiert:

Und habe immer noch die selben Probleme, am Ende der Runde geht die CPU Auslastung auf 100% hoch!

Autor:  The.Doc [ 06.07.2002, 11:31 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Also ich hab jetzt noch mal alles neu installiert und hab im Internet noch ein wenig nach PodBot gesucht, auf der ofiziellen Homepage gibt es die Version 2.0 als "current version" und im Internet habe ich eine Version 2.5 gefunden, mit der mein oben beschriebenes Problem gelöst ist, d.h. die CPU Auslastung geht nicht mehr auf 100% Prozent hoch, aber dafüt schmiert mir jetzt der Server immer kurz nach dem Mapwechsel ab! Er läuft nach dem Mapwechsel noch 2-3 Min. und stürtzt dann ab, das Log file bringt mir auch nichts, da die letzte Zeile einfach mittendrin abbricht!

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