Well we still use AdminMod as a low-trafficking addon to control and regulate our private match servers as we deny using high-trafficking addons that may lag our match servers.
I like to help out. Also I just upgraded my Linux server with a SSD drive and 32GB RAM and had to transfer and backup the old HLDS files into there.
So if you have any problems or need to test AdminMod on a powerful Linux server like mine I'm sure I could help out...
Also if AdminMod will be released with the latest update for SteamPipe I think it should have more colour palates for admin_glow, csay and tsay etc.
I've made a fixed Win32 version with some minor simple fixes to the csay and removed the MM 1.17.2 below in my 12 year old site here. But I've not fixed the complie.bat or made a Linux fixed version for the x86_64 architecture as I had to use "-32" in the CMD terminal shell for using complie_all.sh