Grüßt euch,
nachdem ich gestern früh meine Serverdaten bekommen habe, habe ich sofort hlds und Day of Defeat1 (also CS1.6, nur eben Day of Defeat) nach
nach dieser Anleitung installiert.
Wobei ich das "Finale Konfiguration (Beispiel)" und "Abschluss" weggelassen habe, letzteres, weil es nicht funktioniert, aber das ist ja nur Nebensache.
Auf dem Server läuft Ubuntu.
Anschließend installierte ich mir den AdminMod nach
dieser Anleitung.
Danach folgte ich den Hinweisen zur Konfiguration der users.ini und der adminmod.cfg.
Nachdem ich den Server gestartet und auf ihn joint war, prüfte ich in der Console, ob der AdminMod gestartet wurde. Die entsprechenden Zeilen fand ich aber nicht, so dass ich mich nochmal mit der Konfiguration und schließlich mit diesem Forum und den Threads dazu beschäftigte. Allerdings bin ich jetzt so verwirrt, dass ich nun gar nicht mehr weiß, wo was hin kommt.
Die adminpass.cfg habe ich mit der setinfo-Zeile erstellt, allerdings wusste ich nicht, wo ich sie abspeichern und an in welcher Zeile welcher cfg ich sie mittels exec ausführen soll :S
Ich hab sie letztendlich in die /hlds/dod/addons/adminmod/config gespeichert.
Ausführen ließ ich sie von der server.cfg, nachdem dies aber auch nicht klappte, habe ich die exec-Zeile zum Kommentar gemacht.
Ich poste im folgenden den Inhalt der entsprechenden Dateien:
game "Day of Defeat"
url_info ""
url_dl ""
version "1.3"
size "5"
svonly "0"
cldll "1"
secure "1"
hlversion "1110"
type "multiplayer_only"
nomodels "1"
nohimodel "1"
mpentity "info_player_allies"
gamedll "dlls\dod.dll"
//gamedll_linux "dlls/"
gamedll_linux "addons/metamod/dlls/"
// Server Config For Day Of Defeat v1.2 Server
// Special Thx to [AR]-All Ready Online Network
// for help with this server config
hostname "Day of Defeat Public"
//sv_password "yourpasshere"
//sv_spectator_password "yourpasshere"
//rcon_password "rconhere"
rcon_password "rconpw"
// Server Variables
mp_autocrosshair 0
//mp_flashlight 1
//mp_teamplay 11
mp_friendlyfire 0
mp_fraglimit 0
mp_timelimit 30
sv_allowdownload 1
sv_allowupload 1
sv_cheats 0
sv_maxspectators 4
sv_cheats 0
sv_maxspectators 4
sv_maxrate 6000
sv_minrate 0
decalfrequency 30
fakelag 0
fakeloss 0
pausable 0
// Physics settings
sv_accelerate 10
sv_aim 0
sv_airaccelerate 10
sv_airmove 1
sv_friction 4
sv_gravity 800
sv_friction 4
sv_gravity 800
sv_bounce 1
sv_clienttrace 3.5
sv_clipmode 0
sv_stepsize 18
sv_stopspeed 100
sv_maxspeed 500
sv_wateraccelerate 10
sv_waterfriction 1
edgefriction 2
mp_falldamage 1
mp_footsteps 1
// DoD Extra settings
//This Enables DoD's Netcoding
sv_unlag 1
//DoD Beta 2.0 Bullet Tracer settings
traceroffset 100
tracerlength 0.45
tracerred 1.3
tracerblue 0.1
tracergreen 0.7
traceralpha 0.45
tracerspeed 6250
//Turn on\off Spectating Team
mp_allowspectators 1
//Turn on/off death messages
mp_deathmsg 1
// load ban files
exec listip.cfg
exec banned.cfg
mp_alliesclasses -1
mp_axisclasses -1
mp_spawnbazookas 1
// Execute Admin Mod configuration file
exec addons/adminmod/config/adminmod.cfg
// exec addons/adminmod/config/adminpass.cfg
// (Note: For CVARS that are set to either "on" or "off," 0=off and 1=on) //
echo Executing Admin Mod config file
// Used by the TFC plugin only. If enabled, an attempt to switch
// teams will be rejected if it would unbalance the teams
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_balance_teams 0
// If you are using bots with admin mod you can set this to 1
// It will protect bots from receiving client commands which
// would crash your server.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_bot_protection 0
// This is the message displayed to everyone after connecting.
admin_connect_msg "Welcome to the Real World..."
// This controls the availability of weapon restriction in CS.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_cs_restrict 0
// This will produce debugging messages in your logs which can
// be used to troubleshoot problems. Not recommended for general use.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_debug 0
// Determines whether or not the fun commands are allowed by default.
// If not on by default, the admin can still turn it on when wanted.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_fun_mode 0
// Enable to get special effects with certain commands
// like teleport or slap.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_fx 0
// If enabled, people who are gagged (not allowed to "say") will be
// unable to change their name while gagged
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_gag_name 0
// If enabled, people who are gagged will not be able to use
// the say_team command.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_gag_sayteam 0
// Makes the admin with the highest access level the only admin in power.
// Example: if multiple admins are present, only the one with the highest
// access level will have admin access.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_highlander 0
// If admin_ignore_immunity is enabled, ACCESS_IMMUNITY is
// ignored and does nothing.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_ignore_immunity 0
// This file specifies which script plugins get loaded.
// It should be relative from the <mod> directory
admin_plugin_file "addons/adminmod/config/plugin.ini"
// The time (in seconds) during which an admin can reconnect after
// disconnecting without resetting his password in the setinfo line.
admin_reconnect_timeout 300
// Message displayed to users who try to execute commands that
// they don't have the appropriate access rights for.
admin_reject_msg "You do not have access to this command."
// How often, in seconds, the repeat_message should be shown on
// the screen during the game. Minimum value is 15 seconds.
// So, a value of 600 = 10 minutes between messages.
admin_repeat_freq 600
// Message that is show to everyone on the server every
// ten minutes by the message plugin.
admin_repeat_msg "This server is using Admin Mod"
// The old verbosity. Defines how commands are announced to the players
// clients in the form: "[ADMIN] <user> used command <command>"
// 0=all commands announced in chat with the admin name
// 1=all commands announced in chat, but without the admin name
// 2=most commands not announced at all (except "cheat" commands)
admin_quiet 0
// This file is used to store configuration data across maps
// and even across server restarts.
admin_vault_file "addons/adminmod/config/vault.ini"
// If enabled, a hlds_ld-style map vote will automatically
// start five minutes before the end of a map.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_vote_autostart 0
// If set to on status (1), when a vote is in progress all
// players will see the votes of other players as they vote.
// (0=disable, 1=enabled)
admin_vote_echo 0
// Number of seconds that must elapse after start of the map,
// or the end of another vote, before another hlds_ld-style
// map vote can be called.
admin_vote_freq 600
// Controls how many times the current map can be
// extended for thirty minutes
admin_vote_maxextend 0
// Percent of players who have to vote for a map to get it
// to win a hlds_ld-style map vote.
admin_vote_ratio 60
// Ability to make clients execute commands
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
allow_client_exec 0
// When set to 0, and debug is enabled, Admin Mod passwords
// will not be logged in cleartext.
amv_log_passwords 0
// Private server option. If enabled, only users listed in
// users_file or ips_file are allowed to access the server.
amv_private_server 0
// The message displayed to users who do not get granted
// access to a private server
amv_prvt_kick_message ""
// The time during which an admin can reconnect to the server into
// a *different* slot than before without losing his admin access rights.
// Maximum is 90 seconds.
amv_reconnect_time 0
// Defines the max time length in seconds of voting process.
amv_vote_duration 30
// Default access rights for players not in the users.ini file.
// (See documentation for access levels and information)
default_access 1
// Whether to use encrypted passwords or not.
// 0: disabled
// 1: encrypt using Unix crypt() (Linux ONLY)
// 2: encrypt using MD5 hash
// 3: encrypt using MySQL PASSWORD() (MySQL ONLY)
encrypt_password 0
// If enabled, the scripting file functions have read
// access to files
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
file_access_read 0
// If enabled, the scripting file functions have write
// access to files
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
file_access_write 0
// Declares priority IPs that are allowed to take a
// reserved spot (if any are set up) without a password.
ips_file 0
// Ratio of players who must vote 'yes' to a kick for
// it to be successful.
kick_ratio 60
// Ratio of players who must vote 'yes' to a map change
// for it to be successful.
map_ratio 80
// List of maps people are allowed to vote for. "" to disable.
// Disable to enable all maps and use list from mapcycle.txt.
maps_file ""
// The file (relative to the <mod> dir) that
// reserved models are loaded from. "" to disable.
models_file ""
// The message shown to someone who gets kicked for
// trying to use a reserved model.
models_kick_msg "[ADMIN] That model is reserved on this server."
// The message shown to someone who gets kicked for
// trying to use a reserved nickname.
nicks_kick_msg "[ADMIN] That name is reserved on this server."
// Password_field...first password of the setinfo line
// If password_field is "_pw-AdminMod", the setinfo will be
// setinfo "_pw-AdminMod" "password-in-users.ini"
password_field "_pw-AdminMod"
// If pretty_say is enabled, centersay() fades in
// and out and does some other tricks.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
pretty_say 1
// Controls how many (number) of the server's slots are reserved.
// This is useful only if reserve_type, below, is either 0 or 2.
reserve_slots 0
// Custom message given to clients trying to connect who do not have
// a reserved slots, when no public slots are free
reserve_slots_msg "There are no reserved slots available on the server."
// This controls how reserve slots work on the server. See documentation.
reserve_type 2
// If enabled, names are compared to those who have privileges
// with regular expressions.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
use_regex 0
// The file in which you define your admins, their passwords
// and the access levels that they are assigned to.
users_file "addons/adminmod/config/users.ini"
// The minimum number of seconds allowed between votes
// called with the vote() (admin_vote functions) scripting function.
// If 0 or disabled, the vote() scripting function is disabled.
vote_freq 180
// Location of word filter file. "" to disable, or something
// like "wordlist.txt" if enabled
words_file ""
// This is a sample Users.ini
// This must be changed to fit your own specifications
// every line that has "//" in front is called commented-out
// this means that the line is can remove it, or leave it
// Win32 servers use plain text passwords
// Linux guys, you can choose to use encrypted passwords by setting
// encrypt_password to 1 in your server.cfg (lucky you). Use the make_pass
// script in the tools directory to generate encrypted versions of
// your password.
// See the Admin Mod Manual for more examples
// To include a different file, e.g. by the name of masteradmins.ini, in the same
// directory as this one, use the #include directive.
#include "masteradmins.ini"
// To give a player named PlayerX access to levels 1 and 2, add the levels to which
// you want him to have access (1 + 2 = 3) with the password "milk"
// to give player Jessie James access to levels 4, 8 and 128, with password
// testpass, add the access levels: 4 + 8 + 128 = 140
// To give access to a player who was a WONID of 1234567,with full access
// except for admin_rcon
// 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + .. + 16384 + 32768 = 65535
// and a password "yomama"
// If you want to grant the player with WONID 224466 access to levels
// 1 to 265 exclusively without requiring him to use a password,
// leave the password field empty.
// To give the player with the Steam ID STEAM_0:1:234567 access to
// levels 8, 16, 32 and 128 (8 + 16 + 32 + 128 = 184) with password "steamy!"
// FOR LINUX: a user with encrypted password and full access
// would look something like this:
hier steht dann natürlich meine richtige Steam ID
Diese Datei habe ich nicht gefunden. In welchem Verzeichnis soll sie sein?
Aber bei meiner Suche habe ich eine zweite users.ini gefunden. Welche ist die "richtige"? Die im Verzeichnis /hlds/Adminmod/config/ oder die im Verzeichnis /hlds/Adminmod/config/Samples/ ?
plugin.ini von adminmod
// In this file you list the scripts you want to
// load. Use the path relative to the MOD directory
// e.g. cstrike for Counter-Strike.
// Lines beginning with "//" or "#" are commented out.
// That means that these scripts will not be loaded.
# addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_CS.amx
# addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_TFC.amx
plugins.ini von metamod
linux addons/adminmod/dlls/
Den Server starte ich im Verzeichnis /hlds/ mit dem Befehl ./hlds_run -game dod +ip <IP> +port <Port> +maxplayers 32 +servercfgfile server.cfg +map dod_charlie +secure -autoupdate
Anstelle <IP> und <Port> natürlich die entsprechenden Angaben.
Trotz aller Sorgfalt und Aufmerksamtkeit kann es sein, dass mir beim Kopieren Fehler passiert sind, weil ich seitenweise aus dem kleinen Fenster kopieren musste.
Vielen Dank im Voraus, verfüge auch über Skye/Teamspeak/ICQ. Bei Bedarf bitte posten.