Auch auf die Gefahr hin, hier von den Scriptingprofis Haue zu kriegen, koennte, wenn ich den Thread richtig verstanden habe, folgendes die Loesung sein.
In der Version von sank_sounds, die wir hier anbieten findest Du folgende Passage im Script:
// This function used to be in the SOUND.INC file, but too many people emailed
// me asking where to put the file, so I stopped using the file, as
// its usefulness was outlived anyway.
stock playsoundall(sound[], IfDead = -1)
new maxplayers = maxplayercount();
new i;
for(i=1; i<=maxplayers; i++)
new iDead;
new dummy;
if (playerinfo(i, Name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, dummy, dummy, dummy, iDead) == 1)
if (IfDead == -1)
playsound(Name, sound);
else if (IfDead == iDead)
playsound(Name, sound);
Ersetze hier die beiden playsound durch speakto, also:
// This function used to be in the SOUND.INC file, but too many people emailed
// me asking where to put the file, so I stopped using the file, as
// its usefulness was outlived anyway.
stock playsoundall(sound[], IfDead = -1)
new maxplayers = maxplayercount();
new i;
for(i=1; i<=maxplayers; i++)
new iDead;
new dummy;
if (playerinfo(i, Name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, dummy, dummy, dummy, iDead) == 1)
if (IfDead == -1)
speakto(Name, sound);
else if (IfDead == iDead)
speakto(Name, sound);
K.A. ob das funktioniert, musst halt mal testen.