hi, ich benutze den admin_mod von sir drink a lot
läuft alles hervorragend, nur heute traten zum erstenmal probleme auf.
der server crasht ab und zu einfach so, keine fehlermeldung die den absturz betrifft.
es handelt sich um einen listenserver auf win2k. die log file hatte ruck zuck 8 MB mit solchen fehlermeldungen:
L 11/01/2003 - 21:52:01: [ADMIN] ERROR: Plugin D:\SIERRA\Half-Life\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripts\plugin_sdal_look.amx returned error 10 when executing plugin_info
L 11/01/2003 - 21:52:01: [ADMIN] ERROR: set_timer returned invalid timer index for function ann_timer, wait 1, repeat 0.
L 11/01/2003 - 21:52:01: [ADMIN] ERROR: Plugin D:\SIERRA\Half-Life\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripts\plugin_sdal_look.amx returned error 10 when executing plugin_info
L 11/01/2003 - 21:52:01: [ADMIN] ERROR: set_timer returned invalid timer index for function ann_timer, wait 1, repeat 0.
L 11/01/2003 - 21:52:01: [ADMIN] ERROR: Plugin D:\SIERRA\Half-Life\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripts\plugin_sdal_look.amx returned error 10 when executing plugin_info
L 11/01/2003 - 21:52:02: [ADMIN] ERROR: Plugin D:\SIERRA\Half-Life\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripts\plugin_sdal_look.amx returned error 10 when executing plugin_info
L 11/01/2003 - 21:52:02: [ADMIN] ERROR: set_timer returned invalid timer index for function ann_timer, wait 1, repeat 0.
L 11/01/2003 - 21:52:02: [ADMIN] ERROR: Plugin D:\SIERRA\Half-Life\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripts\plugin_sdal_look.amx returned error 10 when executing plugin_info
L 11/01/2003 - 21:52:02: [ADMIN] ERROR: set_timer returned invalid timer index for function ann_timer, wait 1, repeat 0.
L 11/01/2003 - 21:52:02: [ADMIN] ERROR: Plugin D:\SIERRA\Half-Life\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripts\plugin_sdal_look.amx returned error 10 when executing plugin_info
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:32: [ADMIN] ERROR: set_timer returned invalid timer index for function imp_killstreaktime, wait 3, repeat 0.
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:32: [ADMIN] ERROR: Plugin D:\SIERRA\Half-Life\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripts\plugin_sdal_impressive63.amx returned error 10 when executing command im_kill
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:33: "cw<1><4297295><TERRORIST>" killed "Zap!<69><BOT><CT>" with "m3"
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:33: [ADMIN] (typesay) cw:\nFIRST BLOOD
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:33: [ADMIN] ERROR: set_timer returned invalid timer index for function imp_killstreaktime, wait 3, repeat 0.
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:33: [ADMIN] ERROR: Plugin D:\SIERRA\Half-Life\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripts\plugin_sdal_impressive63.amx returned error 10 when executing command im_kill
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:37: "cw<1><4294295><TERRORIST>" killed "Dredd<71><BOT><CT>" with "m3"
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:37: [ADMIN] (typesay) cw made\na perfekt headshot!
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:37: [ADMIN] (typesay) cw:\nFIRST BLOOD
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:37: [ADMIN] ERROR: set_timer returned invalid timer index for function imp_killstreaktime, wait 3, repeat 0.
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:37: [ADMIN] ERROR: Plugin D:\SIERRA\Half-Life\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripts\plugin_sdal_impressive63.amx returned error 10 when executing command im_kill
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:42: "cw<1><42967295><TERRORIST>" killed "Ping of Death<67><BOT><CT>" with "m3"
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:42: [ADMIN] (typesay) cw:\nFIRST BLOOD
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:42: [ADMIN] (typesay) cw:\nKILLINGSPREE!
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:42: [ADMIN] ERROR: set_timer returned invalid timer index for function imp_killstreaktime, wait 3, repeat 0.
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:42: [ADMIN] ERROR: Plugin D:\SIERRA\Half-Life\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripts\plugin_sdal_impressive63.amx returned error 10 when executing command im_kill
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:45: "cw<1><42967295><TERRORIST>" killed "S.E.S.<64><BOT><CT>" with "m3"
L 11/01/2003 - 22:00:45: [ADMIN] (typesay) cw made\na perfekt headshot!
L 11/01/2003 - 22:0
das log file war am ende abgeschnitten wie man oben sieht.
kann mir jemand erklären, was hier schiefging ?