auch wenn ich nerve. Ich ahbe gerade eben erst das Update 3311c und dann 3311c1 aufgespielt.
1. Ich gebe in die Konsole " export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH " ein.
2. Ich startet mit ./hltv oder ./hltv -port 27015.
Und dann kommt wieder diese Fehler-Meldung:
Console initialized.
FileSystem initialized.
Network initialized.
Adding master server
Adding master server
Adding master server
Master module initialized.
Server module initialized.
World module initialized.
Demo client initialized.
Executing file hltv.cfg.
WARNING! System::DispatchCommand: command "slowmotion 0.5 0.2 " not registered.
WARNING! System::DispatchCommand: command "multicast 0 " not registered.
WARNING! System::DispatchCommand: command "maxclientrate 4000 " not registered.
WARNING! System::DispatchCommand: command "allowjoingame 1 " not registered.
WARNING! Failed to load resource file hltv.tga.
ERROR! Couldn't load banner file.
Proxy module initialized.
Type 'help' for a list of commands.
Ich poste jetzt mal meine hltv.cfg, eventuell habe ich ja da einen Fehler drin:
// HLTV Proxy configuration file
// HLTV proxy executes this file on start up
// This file should only be edited if you want to broadcast a game
// set HLTV proxy name as shown in score board
name "-=<:[OTW-Clanserver TV]:>=-"
hostname "-=<:[OTW-Clanserver TV]:>=-"
// set offline info text clients will see as reject reason if HLTV isn't broadcasting yet
offlinetext "Sorry, game is delayed. Please try again later."
// delays broadcasting for 30 seconds
delay 30.0
// auto director addes 1/2 slowmotion with a probability of 0.2 for important events
slowmotion 0.5 0.2
// keep multicast disabled until you're definitely sure
// that your LAN or ISP supports multicast
multicast 0
// allow 3.5 KByte/sec as client rate. This is good a value
// for internet broadcasts. On LAN you may set this value to 10000
maxclientrate 4000
// log HLTV console in proxy.log
// logfile 1
// local chatting for HLTV spectators enabled
chatmode 1
// if game server is paswword protected, enable this line
// serverpassword SecretServerPassword
// proxy's adim password for rcon, commentator etc.
adminpassword **********
// allow joingame for HLTV spectators
allowjoingame 1
// show message for 5 seconds each 60 seconds in center of X axis (-1) and
// above help text bar (0.85). Color given as hexadecimal RGBA .
loopcmd 1 120 localmsg "You're watching HLTV. Visit" 5 -1 0.9 FFA000FF
// hltv.wad contains the HLTV banner and my be different on each proxy
// banner format should be 240x48, 256 colors (same like player logo in pldecal.wad)
// decalfile "hltv.wad"
// hltv.tga will be shown instead of the default HLTV logo in spectator GUI
bannerfile "hltv.tga"
// these commands will be executed on connecting spectator client and may be used
// to adjust settings for HLTV (for example voice parameters)
signoncommands "voice_scale 2; voice_overdrive 16; volume 0.5; echo Voice adjusted for HLTV"
Sorry für das Mega-Posting. Aber ich will das jetzt wissen. Man muss das doch hinbekommen.