WaTeR*MaRk's Advanced Consgreet Text file based consgreet with all the fixings Create a text file in your mod dir(ie. C:\Sierra\Halflife\tfc) and name it the file name in WMCONS_FILE and type your greeting. You may use several variables in this text file...ie. Wherever you type %host in this file it will display the host name (zip includes example file) NOTE: Plugin changes file_access_read to 1 at plugin startup ALL DOLLAR SIGN VARS NEED TO BE ON A LINE OF THEIR OWN --------------- All variables: --------------- %host : Server name %player : Connecting player’s name %currentmap : Current map %nextmap : Next map %players : Current number of connected players %maxplayers : Max players allowed on the server %timeleft : Time left on the map %timeused : Time into map %time : Current server time %date : Current server date %ip : Players IP $admins : Currently connected admins $classes : Displays Currently Restricted Classes (TFC only) ----------------------------------------------- WMCONS_ADMIN : What this plugin considers an admin, default 2(any admin that can change map) WMCONS_FILE : The file that the consgreet is read from, default "wmcons.txt" Created by : WaTeR*MaRk Email : WaterMark@HalflifeMapping.com Created on : 7/15/02 Version : 1.4