* RealBot AI Control Plugin - Version 1.0 * * * * by AnalyzeThis 7-July-02 * * shootme@rochester.rr.com * * * This AdminMod plugin allows users with Admin rights to issue bot commands, without having rcon rights. If you don't wish to give rcon rights to your server admins, but do provide them with AdminMod access, this plugin will allow them to issue those commands through AdminMod. The plugin was written for RealBot AI, which requires the user to issue commands via rcon, but should be fairly easy to modify for other bots. The default access level for this plugin is 2, which would allow any Admin access to the commands. If you wish to restrict these commands to Admins with higher access levels, change the value of ACCESS_RB_COMMANDS from 2 to whatever you wish, then recompile the plugin. The default settings are defined in the plugin as follows: DEFAULT_SKILL -1 DEFAULT_MIN_SKILL 3 DEFAULT_MAX_SKILL 8 If an Admin changes any of these settings, the changes are stored in the vault.ini file, which is scanned each time the server loads a map. The commands are as follow: addtbot: Adds a T bot with current default skill addctbot: Adds a CT bot with current default skill remtbot: Removes a T bot remctbot: Removes a CT bot killbots: Kills all bots defaultskill: Sets default bot skill (-1=random, 0 to 10=GodLike to Noob) minskill: Sets low limit for random bot skill maxskill: Sets high limit for random bot skill