Min to Live Plugin (2.0) by Theneb (With help from Zero3Cool) http://www.theneb.co.uk | http://www.zerosplayground.dk/ (An Adminmod script) Hi, Thanks for downloading my plugin. Firstly I can't say thanks enough to Zero3Cool, He really put me on the right track with a good start on this plugin. Anyway this plugin will allow you to limit to amount of minutes non-members can play on your server per day. This script is extremely useful to not kill a server 100% by just making it members only. It was originally developed for Keele University Computer Society, of which I am Server Admin of. //INSTALL// Install like other Adminmod script by placing the 'plugin_mintolive.sma' file into your scripts directory and compiling it. I.e /addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_mintolive.sma Then run the command (for Linux) ./sc plugin_mintolive.sma -i And add the entry to your plugins.ini file. This script is completly UNTESTED on windows, it *should* work but please refer to other documentation on how to compile for a windows server. //CONFIGURE// This script requires two main files to store it's data, these are an IP of registered members file & an automatically generated history of usage of the server. Open up plugin_mintolive.sma in a text editor and you will find the following lines: new dayFile[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH] = "addons/adminmod/config/minDay.ini"; new ipsFile[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH] = "addons/adminmod/config/minIps.ini"; new MinToLive = 15; new hostname[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH] = "hostname"; new url[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH] = "http://www.adminmod.org"; Edit inside the braces for dayFile & ipsFile to change the location of the data files. The other three lines are described below, new MinToLive = 15; Sets the default amount of minutes players will be able to play on your server per day. new hostname[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH] = "hostname"; Sets the hostname of your server in messages to clients. new url[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH] = "http://www.adminmod.org"; Sets the web address you wish to tell non-members about. After changing a configuration option, recompile and the changes will take effect. !!Please make sure read/write options are enabled in your adminmod.ini file!! Entering IP's in the ipsFile may seem a small bit confusing at first, this script creates a standard for all Ip's, so that some bugs are squashed when the script runs. An IP is typically stored as 192168000001, which is equilivant to As you can hopefully see, each byte in the IP address is transformed into 3 bit form and periods are removed. You MUST use this format in your ipsFile. //RUNNING// After your server loads up the script it will begin working, anyone NOT in the ipsFile, WILL be kicked after the specified time. They will be informed of this by messages each minute telling them how long they have left. There's not much more than that to say for now, I very much welcome all your comments/ideas. This is an early release and your input can really help me improve this script. Thanks to all the members at the Keele University Computer Society (http://www.kucs.net) for helping me test this script and being patient when things didn't go how they should have.